Seth Kutch

English -3rd



You might think i’m just

another weak teenager with

brown hair and turquoise eyes

But I know I am more

way more than that

not a body builder

but yet not scrawny arms Rob Lowe

When I am weak from lifting weights

and when I want to give up and quit

I am a very weak muscle

strained with pain and tears

wanting to give up and quit

But when I get back up on my feet

I start to heal and get stronger

surprising them with my strength

just like a muscle

The coaches eyes start to light up

Grins go across their face

I then become a stronger muscle

I do not stop until I become weak again

just like a muscle

and that’s where it ends

I breathe heavily again and start

to become weaker

and weaker

and weaker

but then I heal as I rest

The brown hair and turquoise eyes

teenager is a muscle

a slow healing


surprising muscle all in one teenager


Seth Kutch

English1, -3rd

January 15, 2015


Effects Of Difficult Times


Eighteen percent of Americans have depression because of difficult times in today’s world. Suicide, thought of suicide and using drugs are all often a main side effect of bad depression in the average persons life. The effect of difficult times on people can cause one to go into a mental illness called depression and can help accomplish life goals.

There are many effects from having difficult times in someone’s life and depression is often one of the main effects. For example, well known actor Robin Williams committed suicide because of depression. Close friends to Robin had even said that Robin read the bible and there wasn’t a time he missed church. If depression gets to a point where it acts as if a drug and controls one’s mind, it could easily mean that their mental health is at its lowest. Suicide can also cause unthinkable actions like murder,feeling the need to break objects, or even causing one to steal. I often think of depression as a chain, depression of course being the first link of the chain and all of the other actions caused by depression being the rest of the chain. Difficult times can have many effects on humans and sometimes can control your mind but the bible says suicide does not help anything whatsoever.

Depression from difficult times is one effect, but a good outcome of difficult times is it can help accomplish life goals. For Instance, I used to struggle in reading class from the 3rd grade all the way to the 5th grade. The outcome of that was me working my tail feathers off trying to do the best I could do and now I’m making a B instead of a C. Many other students go through the same struggle that I do in classes like math, science and history. Half the students that end up flunking out in high school or fail a class learn the most important life lesson to learn, the effort you put into high school leads you to what you’ll do or accomplish in the future. With goal you fail, there will end up being two other goals you’ll accomplish.

Overall, dealing with depression or overcoming a failure to succeed can build character, help accomplish other goals, and even help with other failed goals.

Seth Kutch

English 1, -3rd

April 24, 2015


Choosing A Difficult Career


Imagine sitting in an office all day staring at a computer screen. Then, imagine doing different tasks each day that will scare you half to death. The career that would scare me half to death would be much higher on my list than the one where I sit in an office all day. If I had to choose a challenging career, I would choose to be a stuntman because of the scary experiences and life taking risks.

Stuntmen are the most fearful people on Earth. For example, Tom Cruise dangled down from the top of the world’s tallest building in one of his recent movies,”Mission Impossible.” When I was watching the movie, I started to sweat because of how frightening it looked! Choosing to be a stuntman for a career would give me such an indescribable experience. It would teach me a very great amount of mental toughness through all of the different tasks I would do every day. Although learning mental toughness is great and all, learning it would be a pain in the butt because one of my biggest fears is heights. Furthermore, if I dangled down from the world’s tallest building, I would then think afterwards that nothing on Earth could ever scare me. Stuntmen have to learn how to overcome their greatest fear in order to make a living. Imagine if every day you had to face your greatest fear? Because of the fearful experiences, I think that being a stuntman would be a very challenging career.

Another reason as to why I would choose to be a stuntman is because of the life taking risks. For instance, one time it was raining and all of my friends went out to go ride their four wheelers. I decided to stay home because I prefer to be on the safe side. Therefore, I am not a risk taker in any way or from. Stuntmen on the other hand are the king of taking risks. They have to take so many life taking risks like Tom Cruise that could easily take their life. Just imagine your life being on the line every day just for a movie. It would be challenging right! Although there may be other more challenging careers out there, I think that being a stuntman would be the most challenging because of the risks taken each and every day.

Overall, becoming a stuntman would be much better than sitting in an office all day but yet taking the chances they do every day would make it very challenging.

Seth Kutch

English1, -3rd

May 12,2015


Cell Phone Effects


44% of Americans own a smart-phone in today’s world. Almost all of that 44% falls under the category addicted to a smart-phone. Cell phones have a big positive outcome, but the little outcomes can make the difference in today’s world. Peoples live have become affected by cellphones by causing more life taking distractions and by making our everyday lives become easier as more and more phones are created.

Cell phones are taking more and more victims lives each and every day. For example, I was on a school bus in the third grade and while I was talking to my friend to the right of me at the very back seat, a shiny new red car with paper plates still on it hit the back of the bus. The reason for why the victim hit the bus is because she was talking on her cellphone and not paying attention to what was in front of her. She could of not only caused her own life, but many other children including me on the school bus that morning. That’s why cell phones need to be taken not as an easier way of living life but as a life threatening distraction. While distracting cell phones are not only causing lives, they are causing people to lose their job as well. Say a teenaged boy just got a job at a power plant. All he has to do is turn off a switch when the meter hits a certain pressure. But he wasn’t paying attention therefore causing the propane tank to blow up causing someone’s limb or even their life. Cell phones need to be taken seriously because they are causing dozens of lives each day.

While cell phones are being a life taking distraction, they are making people’s lives easier each and every day. For example, Say someone was in an unforgettable bicycle wreck by themselves in the torturous woods and the only way they could possibly get help is through a cell phone call. That’s why it is important to have one because if that person wouldn’t of had a cell phone to call for help he would have become dinner for a bear or cougar. Cell phones might seem like a down fall to people’s everyday life but the things they can do and change make the difference. Other ways cell phones are making lives easier and easier each day is by helping people keep up with people’s busy and non stopping lives. Say a teenage boy needs a job so he can pimp out his new car. So instead of having to actually go up to the manager at his store, he could just send him an email and set up a time for an interview rather than having to drive to his work and set up a time. Cell phones are beneficial in many other different ways but giving a helping hand to a young man so he can start his life is what counts. Therefore, while they are taking lives away from families and friends, they are also saving them from tragic accidents and giving a helping hand to people really can make the difference.

Overall, having a cell phone can be very beneficial, but how you use it and when you use it can be a life changer.

9 essential Amino Acids

What are the 9 amino acids that are found in foods?


  1. Histidine- Protein
  2. Isoleucine- Protein
  3. Leucine- Protein Stimulus Gunslinger
  4. Lysine- found in bean milk meat etc
  5. Methionine- important to immune cell production
  6. Phenylalanine- building block for proteins in body
  7. Threonine- promotes normal growth
  8. Tryptophan- normal growth in infants
  9. Valine- repairs tissues